There's an etiquette for dog parks. Everyone who visits should know it | Paul Daley

Shared urban spaces, especially where designated off lead at certain times, implies a mutual responsibility for dog people and non-canine types

Sometimes my children reckon I love my dogs more than I love them. This is not true. Generally. Though it just might be on days when Number Two Daughter blows out the 4G – again – watching YouTube duck videos or Number One Son decides on a career as a food deliverer, clocks up hundreds of dollars in toll fees on my account, sideswipes the car ... then goes overseas.

Children test your patience in ways that dogs don’t.

Related: My cat is a monster. Why do I love him so much? | Jules Howard

In Canberra my dogs rollicked about the big, wooded hills near my home

Related: A love letter to Canberra, I could have had no better muse | Paul Daley

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