Love him or hate him, Peter FitzSimons gives republicanism a megaphone

The writer and former Wallaby is a shameless networker and has brought fresh energy to the campaign to ditch the monarchy in Australia. But the debate on any replacement – even among republicans – has a long and dangerous road ahead

A French visitor with whom I was talking Australian history recently asked: “What will Australia be when it grows up?”

That’s easy, I responded. It will be a place that has struck treaties with its first peoples as a sincere step to conciliation; gives all adults who love each other the legal right to marry; engenders a culture of respect for women; is not only tolerant but inclusive of minorities; has politicians who demonstrate genuine compassion to refugees and does not cynically demonise them. And much else besides …

I’m contacting everyone I ever played football with, everyone I ever went to school with and went to university with

Related: Australian state and territory leaders unite to call for republic

Related: There are obvious democratic reasons for Australia to become a republic | Jeff Sparrow

We are going to be a republic in four or five years and those of you who are of republican persuasion can be pleased

Related: Australian republic: time for 'high-brow worthiness' over, says Peter FitzSimons

Related: Prince Charles exudes divine right to rule, but apathy may be his saving grace

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