November 2021

Should politicians like Peter Dutton suck up Twitter’s hot-gives and -takes or pursue vindication? | Paul Daley

Australia’s defence minister was not too busy to see through a defamation case against an unemployed, crowdfunded refugee advocate

You’ve got to wonder how Peter Dutton, one of the most wealthy and overstretched members of federal parliament, fathoms up the wherewithal to sue for defamation an unemployed, crowdfunded refugee advocate who called him something nasty on Twitter.

Here’s why on Remembrance Day politicians should be kept away from the commemorations | Paul Daley

Look out for talk of the drums of war, and Australian leaders summoning the sacrifices of the dead to justify their strategic decisions

As the commonwealth stops for a minute’s silence on Thursday to remember its military personnel killed in the line of duty, beware any politician who gauchely evokes the memory of war dead with allusions to the beating drums of another supposedly imminent conflict.