Unable to read, I listened – and found out just what an imperfect reader I am | Paul Daley

Whole episodes I’d forgotten were revealed to me. The main character became a whole new person

A sudden, severe eye infection had sidelined me. It rendered my eyes painfully photo-sensitive. The sunlight was excruciating. So, too, screens for more than a minute or so. This meant no dog walking. No TV. No writing. No reading.

I was relegated to the sofa, my eyes shut behind sunglasses, the dogs curled lovingly though filled with uncertainty (Will he ever walk us again?) at my feet. I wanted to say, “Read to me, please.” Once, a friend or family member might’ve done so. Adults reading to one another as well as to their children at bedtime was not so extraordinary once. But there was just me and the dogs … and vast options for auditory entertainment.

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