We demean our history when we turn the Australian War Memorial into Disneyland | Paul Daley

The Coalition’s $500m expansion plans deviate from the memorial’s mission, undermining what should be a space for quiet reflection

Brendon Kelson is a former senior career commonwealth public servant whose many jobs included directing the Australian War Memorial from 1990 to 1994.

He turned 84 last week. When I last saw him, he was fit and feisty, smiling, and his eyes sparkling with wit. But he has been crook of late, in hospital with pneumonia; Canberra’s winters become tougher the older you get.

Related: Brendan Nelson to step down as head of Australian War Memorial

Related: War memorial expansion's opponents say $500m better spent on veterans

Related: Both major parties were suckerpunched into supporting the $500m war memorial expansion | Paul Daley

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