January 2018

Australia Day's barbecue stopper is the same every year | Paul Daley

By the time of the first formal protest in 1938, 26 January had already long been an Indigenous day of mourning

Irrespective of whether the politicians shift Australia’s annual orgy of self-congratulation from 26 January, it will always thrive for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and those who support betterment of their rights, as a national day of mourning.

I’ve had dogs for much of my life, but Nari found another league in my heart | Paul Daley

Towards the end I pondered the mystery of man-dog emotional alchemy. When the moment came, I patted her silky ear and said ‘good girl’ for the last time

The other dog walkers who’d been asking me how she was doing are visibly upset when I explain that, after suddenly going blind and losing use of her hind legs, we had to put her down.