August 2017

The story of Yagan’s head is a shameful reminder of colonialism’s legacy | Paul Daley

The return of Yagan’s head to his Noongar descendents was overshadowed 20 years ago by the death of Princess Diana. But the moment had added poignancy for the Noongar, writes Paul Daley, for whom Yagan was a warrior-prince

Exactly two decades ago Britain officially handed over to a delegation of Western Australian Noongar people the head of Yagan, an Aboriginal warrior murdered on the Swan River near Perth in 1833.

Turnbull is wrong - Australia Day and its history aren’t ‘complex’ for Indigenous people | Paul Daley

26 January always was and always will be Invasion Day. Melbourne’s Yarra council is right to stop holding citizenship ceremonies on this day

  • Paul Daley is a Guardian Australia columnist

Each year as the country emerges from its summer slumber with the festival of jingoistic self-congratulation that is Australia Day, the Indigenous protests and vigils marking the 26 January anniversary of British invasion become bigger and louder.